How can I anonymize with black redaction instead of pseudonymization?

This article explains how to change settings in Cleardox to select black redaction over pseudonymization as the default method for anonymization.

Cleardox is configured by default to anonymize through pseudonymization rather than traditional black redaction.

In this article, you will learn how to adjust your settings in this Redaction Software Tool to redact with black instead of pseudonymizing.

Begin by opening the side panel, as demonstrated below:


In the overview, you can view all the different categories.

Click on the drop-down menu and then select "Strike" over "Replace."


When you switch your anonymization technique to redaction instead of pseudonymizing, the category will visually represent this with a black box next to each entity - see the picture.

You implement the change at the category level. This allows you to anonymize in various ways across different categories using this Software Redaction approach.

Your settings will be saved for the next time you log in, ensuring you don't need to repeat the adjustment.